Books & monographs


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  • Publication
    Insights and Strategies for Confronting Violence: Conference Proceedings
    (Justice Center, School of Justice, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1983-06) Johnson, Knowlton W.; Johnson, Knowlton W.
    This volume collects 25 papers based on presentations at the 1982 Conference on Violence sponsored by the Justice Center at University of Alaska Anchorage, which was held October 11–13, 1982 in Anchorage. Part I, “Violent Behavior and Contributing Factors,” presents papers focusing on sexual abuse, police violence, and political violence. Additionally, firearms, alcohol, and the media are discussed as contributing factors to violence. Part II, “Control, Treatment and Prevention of Violence,” highlights traditional and alternative strategies for combating violence. In particular, research findings and models are presented that center on domestic violence, sexual abuse, violent juvenile and adult crime, crime against children, and the criminally insane. Part III, “Victims of Violence,” gives attention to traditional victim services as well as proposals for alternative programs for victims of violence. In addition, there is a discussion of people experiencing homelessness as victims of violence. Part IV, “Public Policy and Violence,” focuses on macrolevel issues of violence. The lead article presents a policy perspective in connection with violence in Northern Canada. Other issues addressed in the remaining articles are public policy and victims of violence, resource management and violence control, legal ramifications of censoring violence in the media, and use of research in combating violence.
  • Publication
    Northern Eskimo Law Ways and Their Relationship to Contemporary Problems of "Bush Justice": Some Preliminary Observations on Structure and Function
    (Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1973-07) Hippler, Arthur E.; Conn, Stephen
    This paper describes the how the basic values, personality, and culture of Northern (Inupiat) Eskimos contribute to attitudes toward conflict and their society’s capacity to resolve conflict. The paper analyzes the influence of Anglo-American agents of change on that capacity and, especially, the legal system and procedures that developed in the post-contact use of the village council to resolve disputes. It discusses the formal intervention of state law through the magisterial system and its interaction with Eskimo law ways that the village council encouraged. A comparison of village councils and magistrate courts points out the apparent success of the councils due to their unique fit with Eskimo values and expectations. Finally, shortcomings of .the current magistrate system are analyzed with recommendations for policy adaptations.
  • Publication
    Traditional Athabascan Law Ways and Their Relationship to Contemporary Problems of "Bush Justice": Some Preliminary Observations on Structure and Function.
    (Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1972-08) Hippler, Arthur E.; Conn, Stephen
    This paper is directed toward helping achieve a better understanding of traditional law ways among Alaska's Athabascan Indians and of the present state of the administration of law in the "bush"-village Alaska. An outgrowth of the 1970 Bush Justice Conference sponsored by the Alaska Judicial Council, the paper's primary purpose is to help facilitate establishment of more appropriate delivery and administration of legal services for ethnically distinct populations of Alaska.
  • Publication
    Stock, Corporations, and Native Land Claims Settlement: One of a Series of Articles on the Native Land Claims
    (Alaska Department of Education; Center for Northern Educational Research, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1975-06) Conn, Stephen
    This article focuses on the role of village and regional corporations as established under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1972. The booklet presents a simulated case study and open-ended class discussion questions relative to the use, purpose, and development of corporations, how corporations are managed and governed, and provisions of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act which led to changes in Alaska law with regard to Alaska Native shares in ANCSA corporations. The article is one of a series by different authors designed to stimulate reading and discussion at an advanced secondary or adult level.
  • Publication
    No Need of Gold — Alcohol Control Laws and the Alaska Native Population: From the Russians through the Early Years of Statehood
    (School of Justice, University of Alaska, Anchorage, 1986) Conn, Stephen; Moras, Antonia
    Based on two earlier works by the author — "Alcohol Control in Village Alaska and Town Law" and "Town Law, Village Law" — this history traces the use of legal resources to control alcohol consumption among the Alaska Native population from the period of Russian domination through Alaska statehood in 1959 and makes a detailed examination of alcohol-related issues in Bethel in the decade immediately following statehood.