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Insights and Strategies for Confronting Violence: Conference Proceedings

Johnson, Knowlton W.
This volume collects 25 papers based on presentations at the 1982 Conference on Violence sponsored by the Justice Center at University of Alaska Anchorage, which was held October 11–13, 1982 in Anchorage. Part I, “Violent Behavior and Contributing Factors,” presents papers focusing on sexual abuse, police violence, and political violence. Additionally, firearms, alcohol, and the media are discussed as contributing factors to violence. Part II, “Control, Treatment and Prevention of Violence,” highlights traditional and alternative strategies for combating violence. In particular, research findings and models are presented that center on domestic violence, sexual abuse, violent juvenile and adult crime, crime against children, and the criminally insane. Part III, “Victims of Violence,” gives attention to traditional victim services as well as proposals for alternative programs for victims of violence. In addition, there is a discussion of people experiencing homelessness as victims of violence. Part IV, “Public Policy and Violence,” focuses on macrolevel issues of violence. The lead article presents a policy perspective in connection with violence in Northern Canada. Other issues addressed in the remaining articles are public policy and victims of violence, resource management and violence control, legal ramifications of censoring violence in the media, and use of research in combating violence.
For the conference program, see: UAA Justice Center. (1982). “1982 Conference on Violence” (conference program). Anchorage, AK: Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage. (https://scholarworks.alaska.edu/handle/11122/10717)
Journal Title
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Volume Title
Justice Center, School of Justice, University of Alaska Anchorage
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Anchorage, Alaska, conferences & seminars, child abuse & neglect, crime, crime prevention, domestic violence, firearms, homelessness, intimate partner violence (IPV), justice research, media, police, sexual assault, victims of crime, violence, violence against women
Johnson, Knowlton W. (ed.). (1983). Insights and Strategies for Confronting Violence: Conference Proceedings. Anchorage, AK: Justice Center, School of Justice, University of Alaska Anchorage.
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