Vol 26 (2009–2010)


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 26, No. 1 (Spring 2009)
    (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 2009-03-01) Everett, Ronald S.; Carns, Teresa W.
    The Spring 2009 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum presents articles on Anchorage Wellness Court and other therapeutic jurisprudence and problem-solving courts, justice system operating expenditures, and an update on the work of the Criminal Justice Working Group.
  • Publication
    Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 26, No. 2 (Summer 2009)
    (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 2009-06-01) Myrstol, Brad A.; Rosay, André B.
    The Summer 2009 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum features articles describing the relationship between drug use and criminal offending among male arrestees in Anchorage, a look at homelessness in Alaska, and results of a victim service training needs assessment survey.
  • Publication
    Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 26, No. 3 (Fall 2009)
    (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 2009-09-01) Rivera, Marny; Rosay, André B.; Wood, Darryl S.; TePas, Katherine
    The Fall 2009 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum focuses on violence against women, with articles on legal resolutions and attrition in domestic violence cases reported to Alaska State Troopers, recent recommendations from Alaska lawmakers and the Governor on reducing violence in Alaska, and the relationship between animal abuse and domestic violence. An additional article details recent data about leading causes of death for Alaska and the U.S.
  • Publication
    Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 26, No. 4 (Winter 2010)
    (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 2010-01-01) Periman, Deborah; Rosay, André B.; Begich, Thomas S.; Carns, Teresa W.
    The Winter 2010 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum leads off with an article on a recent Ninth Circuit decision holding that a Washington state law denying felons the right to vote is a violation of the Voting Rights Act. Other articles include profiles of correctional populations in Alaska and the U.S., an update on the work of the Criminal Justice Working Group, a pilot program aimed at reducing probation revocations rates, a study of juvenile probation officer workloads, and a discussion of the Language Interpreter Center, which works to provide qualified interpreters in legal, medical, social services, and educational settings statewide.