

Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    COVID-19 Vaccines: Barriers, Motivators, and Trusted Sources of Information for Individuals with Disabilities in the State of Alaska
    (University of Alaska Anchorage, Center for Human Development, 2021-11-12) Boyer, Tasha; Reed, Danielle; LeClair, Sondra
    Studies on U.S. patient populations show that having an intellectual disability poses the strongest independent risk factor for having a COVID-19 diagnosis, in addition to increasing one’s likelihood of hospitalization and mortality due to COVID-19 (Gleason et al., 2021). Data show there are disparities in access to COVID-19 vaccines between adults with disabilities and those without disabilities in the U.S. (Ryerson et al., 2021). A survey was conducted to obtain information on COVID-19 vaccine potential barriers, motivators, and trusted sources of information for individuals with disabilities. The results of this survey will be used to inform vaccine distribution and education efforts in the state of Alaska. Eligible participants included individuals residing in the state of Alaska who are adults with disabilities; caregivers, guardians, and family members of individuals with disabilities; and disability service providers. Disability service providers, guardians, caregivers, and family members of individuals with disabilities cited guardian biases, lack of transportation, and inability to go on one’s own as top vaccine barriers that they perceived people with disabilities experience. Vaccinated individuals with disabilities reported they were concerned that the vaccine would worsen their medical conditions, that the vaccine could contain side effects, and that they couldn’t obtain the vaccine on their own. They said their top motivators to getting vaccinated were protecting the health of themselves, their family/friends, and their community. Individuals with disabilities indicated that their primary care providers, the CDC, and the tribal health system are their most trusted sources for information about COVID-19 vaccines, while providers perceived that family and friends, primary care providers, and elders to be individuals with disabilities’ most trusted sources about COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Publication
    Growing up Anchorage 2015: Anchorage Youth and Young Adult Behavioral Health and Wellness Assessment
    (University of Alaska Anchorage Center For Human Development, 2015-01-01) Heath, Karen; Garcia, Gabriel M.; Hanson, Bridget; Rivera, Marny; Hedwig, Travis; Moras, Rebekah; Reed, Danielle; Smith, Curtis; Craig, Sylvia
    This report presents results of a community assessment to evaluate behavioral health indicators and related demographic, social, economic, and environmental factors pertaining to youth and young adults aged 9–24 in Anchorage, Alaska, focusing on three major areas: substance use, mental health, and suicide. The Anchorage Collaborative Coalitions (ACC), made up of four organizations (Healthy Voices, Healthy Choices; Anchorage Youth Development Coalition; Spirit of Youth; and Alaska Injury Prevention Center), contracted with the University of Alaska Anchorage Center for Human Development (CHD) to do a community assessment on substance use, mental health and suicide. The population for this assessment was youth and young adults in the Municipality of Anchorage. The assessment was completed in two phases. Phase I was a review of existing data from national, state, and local sources (referred to as “secondary data” in the complete report). Phase II focused on the collection and analysis of new data from surveys and focus groups (referred to as “primary data” in the complete report). One goal of the assessment was to engage coalition and community members in the process. Coalition and community partners assisted throughout the process by helping define the gaps in existing data, helping define the areas of interest, and helping identify the focus of new data collection. They attended trainings on data collection and analysis, participated in community discussions about the findings, and participated in focus group data collection and analysis. Alaska’s youth and young adults are impacted by substance use, mental health, and suicide in significant ways. These behavioral health concerns are often interconnected and can have severe consequences. Substance use can lead to problems with school, the law and to youth taking risks that can lead to serious injury or death. Substance use in adolescence can put youth at higher risk for major life impairments and chronic conditions, including severe mental illness. Poor mental health in youth and young adults can lead to poorer physical health in adulthood, higher rates of chronic illnesses, and earlier death. Mental health and substance use disorders are likely the third leading cause of suicide deaths. In 2012, the Centers for Disease Control ranked Alaska as the second highest state in the nation for per capita suicide deaths. Family members and friends of people who die by suicide experience feelings of guilt, anger, abandonment, and shock. Also, these friends and family members are often at a higher risk for committing suicide in the future.
  • Publication
    The Future of Disability in Alaska Summit & Follow-up Survey
    (Center for Human Development, University of Alaska Anchorage, 2013-12) Center for Human Development, University of Alaska Anchorage
    The Future of Disability in Alaska Summit was held in Anchorage in the summer of 2013, May 9-10. The purpose was to gather perspectives from a diverse group of stakeholders to inform a vision of the future for people with disabilities in Alaska in five broad topical areas: 1) Housing Arrangements, 2) Advocacy, 3) Relationships, 4) Economic Wellbeing, and 5) Health. About 76 stakeholders participated in the summit including people with disabilities, family members, advocates, service providers, policymakers, and others. A follow-up online survey was conducted to gather information from a broader range of stakeholders and to get a sense of the highest priorities in each area. The purpose of the report and other products coming out of this effort is to inspire stakeholders to periodically reflect, individually and in groups, on how they are working toward the vision in a relevant area and taking action in the context of advocacy, policy/regulation, funding, and services/resources. The report states a vision for each of the five topical areas and includes many suggested strategies to accomplish it.