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Publication Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 9, No. 1 (Spring 1992)(Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1992-03-01) Trivette, Samuel H.; Bureau of Justice Statistics; Trostle, Lawrence C.The Spring 1992 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum features findings from a study of 67 parole violators who appeared before the Alaska Parole Board in the summer of 1990, figures from the Bureau of Justice Statistics on prosecutors in state courts in 1990, and a further look at the the nonenforcement role of Village Public Safety Officers (VPSOs), which was also discussed in the previous (Winter 1992) issue of the Alaska Justice Forum.Publication Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 9, No. 2 (Summer 1992)(Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1992-06-01) Angell, John E.; Bureau of Justice Statistics; Schafer, N. E.; Green, Melissa S.The Summer 1992 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum presents Justice Center progress and results in the collection and reporting of University of Alaska crime and arrest statistics under the federal Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act (CACSA) of 1990; in 1991 University of Alaska campuses reported a total of 41 offenses and 68 arrests reportable under the act. Nearly 23 million American households, or 24 percent, were victimized by crime in 1991, according to estimates from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), an ongoing survey of victims of crime first administered in 1972. Alaska's incarcerated population grew from 770 in February 1980 to 2,474 in July 1992, peaking at 2,621 in February 1990.Publication Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 9, No. 3 (Fall 1992)(Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1992-09-01) Schafer, N. E.; Green, Melissa S.; Bureau of Justice StatisticsThe Fall 1992 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum presents population figures for prisoners, probationers, parolees, and community corrections residents under jurisdiction of the Alaska Department of Corrections from February 1980 to September 1992. The Bureau of Justice Statistics examines characteristics of persons in local jails arrested or convicted of driving while intoxicated (DWI), finding that more than half the persons in local jails charged with DWI in 1989 had prior sentences to incarceration for DWI offenses. Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) statistics from the FBI for the first six months of 1992 show a three percent increase in violent crime and three percent decrease in property crime nationwide compared with the same period for 1991.Publication Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 9, No. 4 (Winter 1993)(Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1993-01-01) Dellinger, A. B.; Schafer, N. E.; Bureau of Justice Statistics; Angell, John E.; Miller, Roger C.The Winter 1993 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum examines evidence from the discontinued Alaska Pretrial Intervention Program (PTI), as a basis for discussing new alternatives to incarceration in a time of crowded prisons and a runaway corrections budget. The Bureau of Justice Statistics describes drug enforcement and treatment methods being used in federal and state prisons in the U.S. Community policing as an alternative to traditional urban policing methods is examined.