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Publication Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 4, No. 4 (Winter 1988)(Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1988-01) Bremson, Francis; Carns, Teresa White; Greenstein, Marla N.; Parker, Bill; Bureau of Justice StatisticsThe Winter 1988 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum features articles on policy and procedural changes implemented by the Alaska Judicial Council since 1983 to improve Alaska's judicial selection and retention processes; findings from an Alaska Judicial Council research report on news cameras in Alaska courts; a summary of pending corrections bills in the Alaska Judicial Council; and data from eleven states, including Alaska, which report Offender-Based Transaction Statistics (OBTS), which tracks adult offenders from the point of entry into the criminal justice system through final disposition. January 1988 population figures for Alaska Department of Corrections facilities are presented.Publication Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 4, No. 3 (Fall 1987)(Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1987-09) Endell, Roger V.; Bureau of Justice Statistics; Stearns, Thomas; UAA Justice CenterThe Fall 1987 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum features articles on the growth of Alaska’s correctional population; 1986 data on households victimized by crime; the formation of a drug enforcement unit as part of Alaska's implementation of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986; and a summary of results of a study of visiting policies and practices in state-operated prisons throughout the U.S. October 1987 population figures for Alaska Department of Corrections facilities are presented.Publication Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 4, No. 2 (Summer 1987)(Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1987-06) Parry, David L.; Bureau of Justice Statistics; Lee, NellaThe Summer 1987 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum features articles on juvenile offense patterns in Alaska in 1985; the lifetime likelihood of victimization; crime definitions from the National Crime Survey; and a reviews two recent studies on runaway children in Alaska. April 1987 population figures for Alaska Department of Corrections facilities are presented.Publication Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 4, No. 1 (Spring 1987)(Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1987-03) Angell, John E.; Endell, Roger V.; Bureau of Justice Statistics; Schafer, N. E.The Alaska Justice Forum has resumed publication after a seven-year hiatus. The original Forum was published from 1977 to 1980. The Spring 1987 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum features articles on the implementation of Offender-Based State Correctional Information System (OBSCIS) by the Alaska Department of Corrections; a Bureau of Justice Statistics study estimating the likelihood of imprisonment for persons arrested for robbery, burglary, or theft in the U.S., Canada, England, and West Germany; and preliminary results of a study assessing the impact on Alaska of participation in the Interstate Compact for Probation and Parole; and results of a public opinion poll showing that a majority of Anchorage and the Matanuska-Susitna Borough residents oppose selection of Fire Island as a site for a long-term correctional facility. Briefer items address the appointment by Governor Steve Cowper of a committee to coordinate Alaska's implementation of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 and two new Alaska Judicial Council research reports. March 1987 population figures for Alaska Department of Corrections facilities are presented.