33(2–3), Summer/Fall 2016

The Summer/Fall 2016 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum includes articles on the Recover Alaska intitiative to address Alaska's alcohol-related problems; therapeutic courts in Alaska; findings of the Alaska Judicial Council's analysis of felony sentencing patterns in Alaska in 2012–2013; outcomes of the Teens Acting Against Violence (TAAV) program in Bethel seen through the lens of Search Institute's 40 Developmental Assets; and a farewell from Barbara Armstrong, whose eight-year tenure as editor of the Alaska Justice Forum is ending with this issue.

This collection includes PDFs of the complete issue and of individual articles.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Teens Acting against Violence (TAAV) and the 40 Developmental Assets
    (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 2016-12-23) Parker, Khristy
    Teens Acting Against Violence (TAAV) is a student-led anti-violence education group formed in 1996 by Tundra Women’s Coalition (TWC) in Bethel, Alaska. This article looks at the program in light of the 40 developmental assets defined by the Search Institute, a nonprofit research program whose framework of strengths and supports for youth development has become an international benchmark. While the developmental assets were not intentionally incorporated in the design of the TAAV program, they are reflected in the program's outcomes.
  • Publication
    Alaska Felony Sentencing Patterns: Selected Findings
    (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 2016-12-23) Carns, Teresa White
    This article describes selected findings from the Alaska Judicial Council's recently released report Alaska Felony Sentencing Patterns: 2012–2013. The report examines factors associated with felony sentences under new presumptive ranges set by the Alaska Legislature in 2005 and 2006. The study has been used by the Alaska Criminal Justice Commission (ACJC), established by the legislature in 2014 to make recommendations about criminal justice reform and sentencing.
  • Publication
    Therapeutic Courts in the Alaska Court System
    (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 2016-12-23) Armstrong, Barbara
    Therapeutic courts — often called “problem-solving courts” or “wellness courts” — have been a growing component of the U.S. court system since the 1990s. This article provides an overview of the development of Alaska Court System therapeutic courts, and describes the 12 therapeutic courts currently operating in Alaska as well as proposed pilot project courts. Includes a bibliography.
  • Publication
    Editor's Goodbye
    (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 2016-12-23) Armstrong, Barbara
    Barbara Armstrong, editor of the Alaska Justice Forum since 2008, is leaving the Justice Center at the end of December 2016.
  • Publication
    Recover Alaska: Healing Alaska's Alcohol Problems
    (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 2016-12-23) Rivera, Marny; Hall, Tiffany
    This article provides an overview of the strategies being implemented by the Recover Alaska initiative in its mission to reduce excessive alcohol use and related harm in Alaska by influencing social norms and perceptions about alcohol use and abuse. Includes a list of online resources.
  • Publication
    Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 33, No. 2-3. (Summer/Fall 2016) 
    (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 2016-12-23) Hall, Tiffany; Armstrong, Barbara; Carns, Teresa White; Parker, Khristy; Armstrong, Barbara
    The Summer/Fall 2016 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum includes articles on the Recover Alaska intitiative to address Alaska's alcohol-related problems; therapeutic courts in Alaska; findings of the Alaska Judicial Council's analysis of felony sentencing patterns in Alaska in 2012–2013; outcomes of the Teens Acting Against Violence (TAAV) program in Bethel seen through the lens of Search Institute's 40 Developmental Assets; and a farewell from Barbara Armstrong, whose eight-year tenure as editor of the Alaska Justice Forum is ending with this issue.