Vol 07 (1990–1991)


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 7, No. 4 (Winter 1991)
    (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1991-01) Rieger, Lisa; Bureau of Justice Statistics; Lee, Nella
    The Winter 1991 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum discusses the first year of work by the Alaska Sentencing Commission, which was created by an act of the Alaska Legislature to evaluate the effect of sentencing laws and practices on Alaska's criminal justice system and to recommend improvements in criminal sentencing practices. The Bureau of Justice Statistics presents a detailed examination of data on rape from the National Crime Survey for 1973 to 1987. Crime statistics for sixteen predominately Yup'ik villages in the Bethel area of Alaska for 1983–1987 are presented.
  • Publication
    Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 7, No. 3 (Fall 1990)
    (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1990-10) Trostle, Lawrence C.; Bureau of Justice Statistics; Rieger, Lisa
    The Fall 1990 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum presents findings from a report on the progress of Los Angeles Police Department in actively recruiting women and minorities in response to a 1980 federal consent decree mandating changes in its recruitment, selection, training, and employment practices. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports statistics on criminal victimization for 1989 from the National Crime Survey, which measures personal and household offenses, including crimes not reported to police. The Alaska Sentencing Commission, created to evaluate Alaska’s sentencing laws and practices and to recommend improvements, begins its work.
  • Publication
    Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 7, No. 2 (Summer 1990)
    (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1990-06) Ender, Richard L.
    The Summer 1990 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum presents findings from a 1989 study of the Alaska bar membership, which analyzed sex-based differences between resident members of the Alaska Bar Association regarding economic and professional status and career path, particularly with regard to the "gender gap" in law practice income. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports on federal, state, and local government expenditures and employment in civil and criminal justice in fiscal year 1988. Uniform Crime Report figures reported in the FBI's annual Crime in the United States found a slight drop in the crime rate in Alaska between 1988 and 1989. John Angell returns as Director of the Justice Center at University of Alaska Anchorage.
  • Publication
    Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 7, No. 1 (Spring 1990) 
    (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1990-04) Marenin, Otwin; Bureau of Justice Statistics; UAA Justice Center
    The Spring 1990 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum reviews evidence that charge bargaining in Alaska occurs — despite the formal ban on plea bargaining in Alaska in 1975 — and analyzes the impact of charge bargaining on sentencing practices. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports findings of the National Judicial Reporting Program, which found that, of the estimated 583,000 persons convicted of a felony in 1986, eight percent were found guilty by a jury, three percent were found guilty by a judge, and 89 percent pled guilty. Preliminary Uniform Crime Report (UCR) figures show a 2.5 percent drop in the number of serious crimes in Anchorage between 1988 and 1989. April 1990 population figures for Alaska Department of Corrections facilities are presented.