Vol 12 (1995–1996)


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 12, No. 1 (Spring 1995)
    (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1995-03-01) Schafer, N. E.; Curtis, Richard; UAA Justice Center
    The Spring 1995 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum examines detention data collected during Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act compliance monitoring to describe juvenile detentions in Alaska for the five years from 1989 to 1993, with particular attention given to repeat offenders, defined as individuals detained six or more times during the five-year period. The Alaska Judicial Council and Alaska Court of Appeals have further expanded the computerized case management system designed by the Alaska Judicial Council.
  • Publication
    Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 12, No. 2 (Summer 1995)
    (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1995-06-01) UAA Justice Center; Bureau of Justice Statistics; Miller, Roger C.; Atwell, Cassie
    The Summer 1995 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum presents the first of two articles of a 1994 statewide public opinion survey on community and public safety problems (and proposed solutions) in Alaska. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports results from a study of tort cases in state courts, finding that during a one-year period ending in 1992, state courts of general jurisdiction in the nation's 75 largest counties disposed of an estimated 378,000 tort cases involving 1.4 million plaintiffs and defendants. According to 1991–1994 offense and arrest statistics compiled by the Justice Center under the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act (CACSA) of 1990, University of Alaska Anchorage educational and research sites are relatively free from serious crimes.
  • Publication
    Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 12, No. 3 (Fall 1995)
    (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1995-09-01) UAA Justice Center; Bureau of Justice Statistics
    The Fall 1995 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum presents the second of two articles reporting results of a statewide public opinion survey on community and public safety problems in Alaska; responses about quality of life, community satisfaction, fear of crime, crime trends, and willingness to help with public safety activities are presented by area (Southeast Alaska, Valdez/Kenai/Mat-Su, Anchorage, Fairbanks, rural Alaska, and total statewide). A Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that, of an estimated 9,600 murder defendants in the nation's 75 most populous counties in 1988, six percent (an estimated 540 defendants) were persons charged with murdering their spouses.
  • Publication
    Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 12, No. 4 (Winter 1996)
    (Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, 1996-01-01) UAA Justice Center; Bureau of Justice Statistics; Schafer, N. E.; Green, Melissa S.
    The Winter 1996 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum presents the first of two articles examining results of the village component of a statewide public safety project conducted by the Justice Center for the Alaska Department of Public Safety, in which researchers interviewed residents and officials of 28 Alaska villages on characteristics, government, and social control in predominately Alaska Native villages. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports on the growing U.S. prison population, which increased 8.8 percent between mid-1994 and mid-1995; a sidebar story compares Alaska with states of similar population in an effort to understand the disparity in its rankings, with racial disparities in Alaska's prison population a possible factor. The Justice Center establishes a website.