Armstrong, BarbaraChamard, Sharon2016-05-272016-05-272014-09-22Armstrong, Barbara; & Chamard, Sharon. (2014). "The Homeless: Who and How Many?". Alaska Justice Forum 31(1–2): 2–11 (Spring/Summer 2014). The PDF of this article includes web supplements which did not appear in the original print version of the article.Across the nation in both rural and urban areas, public and private agencies work to provide services for homeless people. One of the biggest challenges is collecting data about homeless individuals: how many people are homeless, who they are, what services they need most, and how long they have been homeless. This article looks at reports from 2012, 2013, and 2014 on estimates of homelessness in the U.S. and Alaska, the subpopulations of homeless individuals, and the various definitions of homelessness.[Introduction] / Definitions of Homelessness / Who Counts the Homeless? / How Data are Reported / How Many People are Homeless? / The Homeless in Prisons and Jails / HUD Counts / Who Are the Homeless? / PIT Counts in Alaska / Project Homeless Connect in Alaska / Homeless Veterans / Homeless Students-K-12 / Homeless Unaccompanied Youth / Homeless Households in Anchorage / Conclusion / SIDEBARS / Definitions of Homelessness / Homelessness References / WEB SUPPLEMENTS / The Homeless: Who and How Many? - Web Supplement (Tables) / Resources on Homelessness — Web Supplementen-USAlaskaAnchorage, AKchildren & youthcorrectional populationshomelessnessUnited StatesveteransThe Homeless: Who and How Many?Article