Myrstol, Brad A.Blumenstein, Lindsey2016-11-142016-11-142016-09-21Myrstol, Brad A.; & Blumenstein, Lindsey. (2016). "University of Alaska Students’ Disclosures of Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Assault Victimizations." Alaska Justice Forum 33(1): 1, 11–16 (Spring 2016). issue of Alaska Justice Forum 33(1), Spring 2016 at article uses data collected for the University of Alaska Campus Climate Survey to explore how often University of Alaska (UA) students who experienced sexual misconduct or sexual assault, either on or off campus, disclosed their victimizations to others. The likelihood of victimization disclosure in relation to the type of victimization, the persons or institutions to whom disclosure was made, and the demographic characteristics of UA student victims are also examined.Survey Definitions of Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Assault / Disclosure and Reporting of Sexual Violence Victimization / Nondisclosure of Sexual Violence Victimization / UA Students’ Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Assault Victimization Disclosures / Demographic Factors Related to Disclosure (Age, Race/Ethnicity, Sex/Gender) / Discussion / Clery Act (sidebar) / Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program (sidebar)en-USsexual assaultsexual consentUniversity of Alaskavictims of crimeviolence against womenUniversity of Alaska Students’ Disclosures of Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Assault VictimizationsArticle