Ring, Peter SmithTrivette, Samuel H.Kowacki, MarianUAA Criminal Justice Center2020-01-222020-01-221978-08Alaska Justice Forum 2(7), August 1978http://hdl.handle.net/11122/10837The August 1978 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum offers a historical and legal primer on the exclusionary rule, which requires the suppression of evidence resulting from unconstitutional searches and seizures. The director of the Alaska Parole Board describes the "parole guidelines model" adopted by the parole board as a method of releasing sentenced offenders on parole. A program to place pre- and post-trial criminal offenders in community-based treatment programs is described. Also included are digests of recent Alaska Supreme Court opinions and points brought up in criminal appeals cases, the fall 1978 schedule of criminal justice courses offered on University of Alaska campuses, announcements of upcoming seminars and workshops, and a justice training calendar."The Exclusionary Rule — What Is It?" by Peter S. Ring / "Parole Board Adopts Guidelines Model" by Samuel H. Trivette / "TASC — A Treatment Alternative to Street Crime" by Marian Kowacki / "Opinions of Note" / "Points on Appeal" / "Contribute!" / "Justice Training Calendar" / "Fall Class Schedule" / "Executive Development Course for Alaska Police Chiefs"en-USAlaska Supreme Courtappellate courtscorrectionscourtscriminal appealscriminal justicecriminal lawcurriculumdiversion programsdiversion programsjustice educationlaw enforcementparolesearch & seizuretrainingAlaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 2, No. 7 (August 1978)Journal