Alvey, Elaine2024-02-222024-02-222023-11-07Alvey, E. (2023). Climate Futures: Classroom Engagements for Imagining Otherwise. The Geography Teacher, 20(3), 132-135. the realities currently at hand, it is easy to imagine the worst-case scenario climate futures, to become paralyzed by climate grief or to disengage all together. Inspired by pedagogical engagements with imagination and drawing on foundational geography skills, this three-day mini-unit invites secondary students to first analyze localized impacts of climate change, and then look to examples of positive climate futures before finally imagining for their own community’s resilient climate future.Introduction -- Connecting to Geographic Education -- Learning Goals -- Target Audience -- Lesson 1: Exploring Local Impacts -- Lesson 2: Exploring Imagination & Carbon Ruins -- Lesson 3: Imagining in Place -- Conclusion -- References.en-USclimate changeeco-anxietyclimate resilienceclimate futurescarbon ruinsclimate impactsgeographic educationClimate futures: Classroom engagements for imagining otherwiseArticleThe Geography Teacher