Myrstol, Brad A.2018-04-022018-04-022018-04-02Myrstol, Brad A. (2018). "High Referral Rate for VPSO-Assisted Sex Assault Cases." Alaska Justice Forum 34(4) (Spring 2018, online edition).0893-8903 article also appeared on p. 1–4 of the Spring 2018 print edition.This article reports findings from a recent study examining the impact of Alaska’s Village Public Safety Officer (VPSO) program on the criminal justice response to sexual abuse of a minor (SAM) and sexual assault (SA) cases closed by the Alaska State Troopers (AST) between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2011 in western Alaska. The study found that the likelihood that a sexual assault or sexual assault of a minor case will be accepted for prosecution in western Alaska is enhanced when VPSOs are first responders. [This article also appeared on p. 1–4 of the Spring 2018 print edition.]State-funded paraprofessional police / VPSO first responders and more / VPSOs involved in 1 out of 7 cases / VPSO cases more likely to be referred / 79.7 percent of paraprofessional cases referred / VPSO first responder cases most likely to be accepted for prosecution / Expanded understanding of VPSO role / Funding disclosure / Referencesen-USAlaska State Trooperscriminal case processinglaw enforcementparaprofessional policepolicerural justicesexual abuse of minors (SAM)sexual assaultVillage Public Safety Officers (VPSO)High Referral Rate for VPSO-Assisted Sex Assault CasesArticle