Payne, Troy C.Kisarauskas, YevgeniiSlone, AvramGonzalez, Andrew2020-11-182020-11-182020-09-02Payne, Troy C.; Kisarauskas, Yevgenii; Slone, Avram; Gonzalez, Andrew (2020). AJiC Tableau Dashboard Style Guide. Anchorage, AK: Alaska Justice Information Center, University of Alaska Anchorage.ajic.2020-09 document describes the broad design and style conventions of Alaska Justice Information Center (AJiC) Tableau data dashboards. This document is meant as a style guide, and deviations from the general guidelines may be necessary for specific projects. Design goals and styles for every part of a dashboard are presented in the document.DOCUMENT PURPOSE / DASHBOARD DEFINITION / DESIGN GOALS / DASHBOARD SPECIFICATIONS / CORE ELEMENTS / TEMPLATE / CLOSING REMARKS / APPENDIXen-USTableauDashboardAJiC Tableau Dashboard Style GuideTechnical Report