Hall, TiffanyArmstrong, BarbaraCarns, Teresa WhiteParker, KhristyArmstrong, Barbara2016-12-232016-12-232016-12-23UAA Justice Center. (2016). "Alaska Justice Forum 33(2), Summer/Fall 2016." Alaska Justice Forum 33(2–3): 1–12 (Summer/Fall 2016).http://hdl.handle.net/11122/7186The Summer/Fall 2016 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum includes articles on the Recover Alaska intitiative to address Alaska's alcohol-related problems; therapeutic courts in Alaska; findings of the Alaska Judicial Council's analysis of felony sentencing patterns in Alaska in 2012–2013; outcomes of the Teens Acting Against Violence (TAAV) program in Bethel seen through the lens of Search Institute's 40 Developmental Assets; and a farewell from Barbara Armstrong, whose eight-year tenure as editor of the Alaska Justice Forum is ending with this issue."Recover Alaska: Healing Alaska's Alcohol Problems" by Marny Rivera and Tiffany Hall / "Editor's Goodbye" by Barbara Armstrong / "Therapeutic Courts in the Alaska Court System" by Barbara Armstrong / "Alaska Felony Sentencing Patterns: Selected Findings" by Teresa White Carns / "Teens Acting against Violence (TAAV) and the 40 Developmental Assets" by Khristy Parker / "New Staff"en-USAlaska Court SystemAlaska Nativesalcohol & alcohol abuseBethel, Alaskacourtsfeloniessentencingtherapeutic courtsunderage drinkingyouth violence preventionAlaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 33, No. 2-3. (Summer/Fall 2016) Journal