Conn, Stephen2018-11-152018-11-151975-06Conn, Stephen. (1975). Stock, Corporations, and Native Land Claims Settlement: One of a Series of Articles on the Native Land Claims. Native Land Claims Series. Juneau, AK: Alaska Department of Education; Center for Northern Educational Research, University of Alaska Fairbanks.JC 7550.752 article focuses on the role of village and regional corporations as established under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1972. The booklet presents a simulated case study and open-ended class discussion questions relative to the use, purpose, and development of corporations, how corporations are managed and governed, and provisions of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act which led to changes in Alaska law with regard to Alaska Native shares in ANCSA corporations. The article is one of a series by different authors designed to stimulate reading and discussion at an advanced secondary or adult level.What are Corporations? / How Your Money and Land Will Be Used / Why Corporations? / Money to Spend and Money to Invest / Investment - Familiar Ways / Sole Proprietorship / Partnership / Corporations Protect People / Working for the Corporations / The Building Blocks of a Corporation / Differences Between Co-operatives and Corporations / Three Students Discuss a Corporation / Lessons Ronald, Jim, and Mark Learned / A Legal Contract / Directors / Compare the Old Days With the Future / Review of Corporations / Alaska Law and Native Claims Stock / Class Discussionsen-USAlaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA)Alaska Native landscorporate lawlegal educationStock, Corporations, and Native Land Claims Settlement: One of a Series of Articles on the Native Land ClaimsArticle