Angell, John E.Bureau of Justice StatisticsSchafer, N. E.Green, Melissa S.2014-04-252014-04-251992-06-01Alaska Justice Forum 9(2), Summer 1992 Summer 1992 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum presents Justice Center progress and results in the collection and reporting of University of Alaska crime and arrest statistics under the federal Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act (CACSA) of 1990; in 1991 University of Alaska campuses reported a total of 41 offenses and 68 arrests reportable under the act. Nearly 23 million American households, or 24 percent, were victimized by crime in 1991, according to estimates from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), an ongoing survey of victims of crime first administered in 1972. Alaska's incarcerated population grew from 770 in February 1980 to 2,474 in July 1992, peaking at 2,621 in February 1990."University of Alaska Initiates Crime and Arrest Reporting" by John E. Angell / "Crime and the Nation's Households, 1991 (A BJS Report)" / "Alaska Prisoners, 1980–1992" by N.E. Schafer and Melissa S. Green / "Domestic Violence Video" / "Do You Want the Forum?" / "Library Resources"en-USAlaska Department of Correctionscampus crimecorrectional populationscorrectionscrime statisticsjailsNational Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)prisonsUniversity of Alaskavictims of crimeAlaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 9, No. 2 (Summer 1992)Journal