Periman, DeborahUAA Justice Center2014-04-222014-04-222014-02-19Alaska Justice Forum 30(3–4), Fall 2013/ Winter 2014.0893-8903 Fall 2013/Winter 2014 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum presents articles on offender reentry and the collateral consequences of criminal conviction, the relationship between unemployment and domestic violence, and prison visitation policies. The issue also includes faculty and staff news, and a memorial to retired Justice Center faculty member Dr. Nancy E. Schafer, who died in September 2013."Collateral Consequences and Reentry in Alaska: An Update" by Deborah Periman / "The Second Chance Act in Alaska" by Deborah Periman / "Prison Visitation Policies in the U.S. And Alaska" / "Questions from Prison Visitation Policies: A Fifty State Survey" / "Alaska Prisoner Reentry Task Force Update" / "In Memoriam" [Nancy E. Schafer] / "Employment Barriers and Domestic Violence" by Deborah Periman / "New Staff" / "Recent Faculty Publications"en-USAlaska Criminal Justice Working Group (CJWG)Alaska Department of CorrectionsAlaska Legislaturecollateral consequencescorrectionscriminal justice reformcriminal sanctionsdomestic violenceemploymentintimate partner violence (IPV)justice administrationlegislationoffender reentrypovertyrecidivismviolence against womenAlaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 30, No. 3-4 (Fall 2013 / Winter 2014)Journal