Jarrett, Brian2017-01-312017-01-312013-02Jarrett, Brian. (2013). "Moving Beyond Brands: Integrating Approaches to Mediation." UAAJC Occasional Paper 3 (Feb 2013).http://hdl.handle.net/11122/7242A briefer version of this article was published in the Alaska Justice Forum: "Moving Beyond Brands: Integrating Approaches to Mediation" by Brian Jarrett. Alaska Justice Forum 29(3–4): 1, 9–12 (Fall 2012/Winter 2013). (https://www.uaa.alaska.edu/academics/college-of-health/departments/justice-center/alaska-justice-forum/29/3-4fall2012winter2013/a_mediation.cshtml).Mediation has become a competition among brands vying for distinction based more on market concerns than genuine difference. This is not a positive development for a professional field of endeavor. Mediation has much more to offer than competing claims of superiority that attempt to deride and disparage the competition. This article, which is written from a sociological viewpoint, challenges these claims and suggests that the mediation community should develop instead a broader integrated approach to mediation that is pragmatic, flexible, open-source, and based on a robust theoretical foundation.Introduction / I. The Need for Integral Mediation / II. Mediation As A Reflexive Practice / III. Identifying Integral Practice Ethics / Conclusion / Endnotes / Referencesen-USalternative dispute resolutionmediationMoving Beyond Brands: Integrating Approaches to MediationArticle