2014-07-282014-07-281943-02-01http://hdl.handle.net/11122/4317Eclipse will be Observed -- Honor Roll, 1st Semester -- Flakne Appointed to Manpower -- With Our Students -- John O'Shea Leaves for Legislature : Is Third Grad to be Elected -- From the Dean -- Student Teachers Now Observing in Fairbanks -- New Faculty Member is from Michigan -- Lindbergh will Enter Army Soon -- Mae Stephenson Arrives for Annual Conference -- Hussey, Former Instructor, is Now Overseas -- Fred Beeler is Lieutenant Now -- Plane Surveying to be Repeated -- Miss Temple Teaches Second Year of French -- May Join Army or Navy -- Specialized Program -- School of Mines Receives Fossils -- Mine Rescue is Conducted by H. Kazee -- Alumni Notes -- Notes on Seeds -- News on Mining Extension -- Student is Junior Engineer : Jean Marburg Attended U. of A. in 1933-34 -- International Relations is Active Group -- Mr. Mattox Talks on Venezuela -- Washington and Lincoln -- Exchanges -- Ernest Patty Jr. Somewhere in the Pacific -- Raivo Reports for Training -- Maxine Race Leaves for Home -- Highlights Girls Dorm -- Poet's Corner -- Grace Cole is Bride of D. Rice -- Lieut. Augustine is Somewhere in the Pacific -- T. Campbell is Stationed in Texas, Artillery -- Nutrition Taught in 20-Hours -- Thies Wins at Badminton for Third Year -- Skiing is Requisite to Some Troops -- Year Starts with Win of 42-19 -- Women to Hold Hoop Tourney -- A Visit to the Dentist's Office -- Gerald Ottem Weds Jo Kelly in New York -- Weaving Short Course Ends January 30 -- American Planes Excel in Tunisia -- Town Tattler -- C. Sanborn Receives Commission -- Bear Trap -- Phi Tau GammaFarthest-North Collegian, Vol. 21, No. 04 (February 1943)Journal