Rosay, André B.Rivera, MarnyMyrstol, Brad A.Wood, Darryl S.2017-01-302017-01-302011-04-07Rosay, André B.; Rivera, Marny; Myrstol, Brad A.; & Wood, Darryl S. (2011). "Alaska Victimization Survey: Detailed Responses to Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence Questions" (paper). Presented to the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Training Conference, Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Anchorage, AK, 7–8 Apr 2011. Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage.JC 1004.06 brief paper presents survey questions used in the Alaska Victimization Survey on experience of intimate partner violence and sexual violence. Weighted results of reported victimization by respondents are also given. The Alaska Victimization Survey, designed to establish a baseline for estimates of intimate partner and sexual violence, is modeled after the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS) of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).Alaska Victimization Survey Questions / Intimate Partner Violence / Alcohol or Drug Involved Sexual Assault / Forcible Sexual Assault / Table: Weighted Proportions of Alaskan Women Reporting Intimate Partner Violence / Table: Weighted Proportions of Alaskan Women Reporting Sexual Violenceen-USAlaska Victimization Survey (AVS)domestic violenceintimate partner violence (IPV)sexual assaultsexual violencevictims of crimeviolence against womenAlaska Victimization Survey: Detailed Responses to Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence QuestionsPresentation