UAA Justice CenterMoras, Antonia2014-04-252014-04-252001-03-01Alaska Justice Forum 18(1), Spring 2001 Spring 2001 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum presents articles on hate or bias crimes and existing laws regarding hate crime, both federal and state; hate crime incident reported in Anchorage in 1999; and corrections populations in mid-2000, with the U.S. now incarcerating people at a higher rate than any other country."Hate Crimes: An Overview of Numbers and Statutes" / "Incidents Revealing Bias: Anchorage, 1999" / "Corrections Populations: Mid-2000"en-USAlaska Department of CorrectionsAnchorage, AlaskaBureau of Justice Statisticscorrectional populationscorrectionscrimehate crimemass incarcerationAlaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 18, No. 1 (Spring 2001)Journal