Carns, Teresa W.Bureau of Justice StatisticsUAA Justice Center2014-04-252014-04-252002-01-01Alaska Justice Forum 18(4), Winter 2002 Winter 2002 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum focuses on mental health and the justice system, with two articles about Anchorage Mental Health Court, one of the first four mental health courts in the U.S.; a description of several therapeutic court projects being implemented by the Alaska Court System; and a discussion of the mentally ill in correctional institutions in Alaska and nationwide where, in 2000, one in every eight state prisoners was receiving some mental health therapy or counseling services. An additional article presents figures from the Bureau of Justice Statistics on justice system expenditures in Alaska and the nation."The Court Coordinated Resources Project—Mental Health Court in Alaska" / "Evaluating the Anchorage Mental Health Court" by Teresa White Carns / "Alaska Therapeutic Court Projects" / "Corrections and the Mentally Ill" /. "Justice System Expenditures in Alaska and the Nation (a BJS Report)" by Bureau of Justice Statistics / "André Rosay"en-USAlaska Court SystemAlaska Department of CorrectionsAlaska Judicial CouncilAnchorage, Alaskacorrectional inmatescorrectionscourtscriminal justiceJuneau, Alaskajustice system employmentjustice system expendituresmental healthrestorative justicetherapeutic courtsAlaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 18, No. 4 (Winter 2002)Journal