UAA Criminal Justice Center2020-01-212020-01-211979-05Alaska Justice Forum 3(5), May 1979 report discussed in the article "Bush Justice Report" is "Alaskan Village Justice: An Exploratory Study" by John E. Angell (1979) ( May 1979 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum features the second of two article on the major findings of Alaskan Village Justice — the first comprehensive study of public safety and the criminal justice system in the predominately Alaska Native villages of rural or "bush" Alaska — and a summary of the defense reply to a petition for review in the case of State v. Sundberg involving the (nonfatal) police shooting of a suspect running from the scene of a burglary. Also included are digests of recent Alaska Supreme Court opinions and points brought up in criminal appeals cases."Bush Justice Report" / "State v. Sundberg: Defendant's Reply" / "National TASC Evaluation" / "Oral Appellate Decisions" / "Criminal Justice Center Program Honored" / "Points on Appeal" / "Opinions of Note" / "Justice Training Calendar"en-USAlaska NativesAlaska Supreme Courtappellate courtsbush justicecorrectionscourtscriminal appealscriminal justiceexclusionary rulejailslaw enforcementparaprofessional policepolicepolice use of forcepublic safetyrural justicesearch & seizureVillage Police Officers (VPO)Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 3, No. 5 (May 1979)Journal