Myrstol, Brad A.Blumenstein, LindseyRivera, MarnyLepage, Cory R.2016-09-212016-09-212016-09-21Alaska Justice Forum 33(1), Spring 2016 Spring 2016 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum includes articles focusing on University of Alaska students' disclosures of sexual misconduct and sexual assault victimizations; a summary of the provisions of the criminal justice reform measure Senate Bill 91 "Omnibus Criminal Law & Procedure; Corrections" enacted into law in July 2016 ; and findings from a survey of Anchorage adults on perceptions of youth marijuana use and youth non-medical use of prescription drugs."University of Alaska Students’ Disclosures of Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Assault Victimizations" by Brad A. Myrstol and Lindsey Blumenstein / "Senate Bill 91: Summary of Policy Reforms" / "Youth Marijuana and Prescription Drug Abuse in Anchorage" by Marny Rivera and Cory R. Lepage / "New Staff" / "New Look and Web Addresses for the Justice Center"en-USAlaska LegislatureAlaska Criminal Justice Commission (2015–2017)Anchorage, AKcriminal justice reformdrugs & drug abusejuvenilesjustice reinvestmentlegislationsexual assaultsexual consentsexual misconductsmart justiceUniversity of Alaskaviolence against womenAlaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 33 No. 1 (Spring 2016)Journal