Myrstol, Brad A.2016-05-262016-05-262015-06-15Myrstol, Brad A. (2015). "Contacts between Anchorage Adults and Police." Alaska Justice Forum 32(1): 10–12 (Spring 2015). article presents selected results from a pilot study of police–citizen contacts conducted in Anchorage, Alaska in May 2013. The pilot study was part of a larger effort to establish a statewide police–public contact survey that will allow for comparison between Alaska-specific and national police–public contact estimates.[Introduction] / Preliminary Findings / Traffic Stops / Non-Traffic Stop Encounters / Searches / Use of Force by Police / Summary / Limitations of This Study / Moving Forward / [SIDEBAR:] Notes on the Phase I Pilot Methodologyen-USAnchorage, AKAnchorage Police Department (APD)law enforcementpolicepolice-public contactpolice use of forcepublic opinion surveytrafficContacts Between Anchorage Adults and PoliceArticle