Chamard, SharonCarns, Teresa W.Langworthy, Robert H.McKelvie, Alan R.2014-04-252014-04-252005-03-01Alaska Justice Forum 22(1), Spring 2005 Spring 2005 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum features articles on youth violence in Anchorage, the Alaska Judicial Council's evaluation of three therapeutic courts, the relationship between drug use and arrest offenses in Anchorage, and Bureau of Justice Statistics figures on the high rates of criminal victimization experienced by Alaska Natives and Native Americans."Youth Violence in Anchorage" by André B. Rosay and Sharon Chamard / "Therapeutic Justice in Action: An Evaluation of Three Therapeutic Courts" by Teresa W. Carns / "Reports and Websites Relevant to Therapeutic Courts in Alaska" (bibliography) / "Drugs and Crime in Anchorage: A Note" by Robert H. Langworthy and Alan R. McKelvie / "Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM)" (bibliography) / "Victimization of Native Americans" / "SAC Coordinates Data Sharingen-USAlaska Court SystemAlaska Judicial CouncilAlaska NativesAmerican Indiansalcohol & alcohol abuseAnchorage, AlaskaBethel, AlaskaBureau of Justice Statisticscourtscrimecrime preventiondrugs & drug abusedriving under the influence (DUI)indigenous peoplesjuvenile delinquencytherapeutic courtsvictims of crimeviolenceAlaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 22, No. 1 (Spring 2005)Journal