Fortson, RyanCarbaugh, Jacob A.May, Jeff D.Kimmel, Mara2015-01-292015-01-292014-12-17Alaska Justice Forum 31(3–4), Fall 2014/ Winter 2015 Fall 2014/Winter 2015 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum is devoted primarily to issues related to tribal courts in Alaska, including how they function, measures of their effectiveness, restorative justice, and past and future issues regarding tribal court jurisdiction."Tribal Courts in Alaska" / "Survey of Tribal Court Effectiveness Studies" by Ryan Fortson and Jacob A. Carbaugh / "Restorative Justice: Theory, Processes, and Application in Rural Alaska" by Jeff D. May / "Restorative Justice Programs and Sentencing" / "Community Justice Initiatives in the Galena District Court" by Jeff D. May / "Key Acts and Cases for Alaska Tribal Court Jurisdiction" by Ryan Fortson / "Current Issues Regarding Alaska Tribal Court Jurisdiction" by Ryan Fortson / "Rural Governance Report 2014" by Mara Kimmel / "Erratum"en-USAlaska Court SystemAlaska NativesAmerican IndianscourtsIndian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)recidivismrestorative justicerural justicesentencingtribal courtsAlaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 31, No. 3-4 (Fall 2014/Winter 2015)Journal