Cravez, Pamela2018-04-022018-04-022018-04-02Cravez, Pamela. (2018). "Sequential Intercept Model: Framework for a ‘Wicked Problem’." Alaska Justice Forum 34(4) (Spring 2018, online edition).0893-8903 article also appeared on p. 7–8 of the Spring 2018 print edition.The Sequential Intercept Model offers conceptual points at which a person with serious mental illness could be diverted from the criminal justice system and into community-based treatment. This article reviews the 2015 book "The Sequential Intercept Model and Criminal Justice" (New York: Oxford University Press), which looks at the success of programs along the intercept continuum. A workshop on the model sponsored by the Alaska Department of Corrections will be held in Anchorage in May 2018.[Sidebar:] Sequential Intercept Model workshop in Anchorage / Referencesen-USbook reviewcorrectionsdiversion programsmental healthoffender reentryrecidivismSequential Intercept Model: Framework for a ‘Wicked Problem’Article