UAA Criminal Justice CenterHavelock, John E.2020-01-212020-01-211979-02Alaska Justice Forum 3(2), February 1979 report discussed in the article "Village Police Training" is "Alaska Village Police Training: An Assessment and Recommendations" by John E. Angell (1978) ( February 1979 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum features an article summarizing findings of an evaluation of the Alaska Department of Public Safety's Village Police Training Program; a review of Charles Silberman's 1978 book Criminal Violence, Criminal Justice; and a summary of a petition for review in the case of State v. Sundberg involving the (nonfatal) police shooting of a suspect running from the scene of a burglary. Also included are digests of recent Alaska Supreme Court opinions, points brought up in criminal appeals cases, and criminal justice bills proposed in the Alaska State Legislature."Village Police Training" / "Book Review: Criminal Violence, Criminal Justice" by John Havelock / "Petition for Review: State v. Sundberg" / "Opinions of Note" / "Points on Appeal" / "New Telephone Numbers" / "Justice Training Calendar" / "Proposed Legislation"en-USAlaska NativesAlaska Supreme Courtappellate courtsbush justicecourtscrimecriminal justicecriminal appealsexclusionary rulelaw enforcementparaprofessional policepolice use of forcerural justicesearch & seizureVillage Police Officers (VPO)Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 3, No. 2 (February 1979)Journal