Alaska Judicial CouncilNeff, Ben L.Bardonski, PhyllisWarden, ArleneRing, Peter Smith2020-01-212020-01-211978-01Alaska Justice Forum 2(1), January 1978 January 1978 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum opens with a findings of an Alaska Judicial Council study on domestic violence and the Council's proposal to establish a citizen dispute center in Anchorage for the resolution of domestic disputes where injured parties are unwilling to press criminal charges. Other articles describe an experimental diversion program in Ketchikan for juvenile status offenders intended to minimize the entry of youth into the criminal justice system; a pilot project of the Alaska Judicial Council to involve and inform citizens about the criminal justice system; and the first of a six-part series designed to provide a working knowledge of the basic issues surrounding interrogation and confessions. Also included is a justice training calendar."Dispute Center Will Be New Approach To Violence" by Alaska Judicial Council / "Ketchikan Youth Advocate Program Offers Fast Assistance" by Ben L. Neff and Phyllis Bardonski / "Citizens Action Project Looks at Alaska Justice System" by Arlene Warden / "Interrogations And Confessions: Everything You've Always Wanted to Ask" (part 1) by Peter S. Ring / "Justice Training Calendar"en-USAlaska Judicial CouncilAnchorage, Alaskaconfessionscourtscrimecriminal justicecriminal lawdiversion programsdomestic violenceinterrogationintimate partner violence (IPV)justice educationjuvenile justiceKetchikan, Alaskalaw enforcementtrainingAlaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 1978)Journal