UAA Justice Center2016-11-142016-11-142016-09-21UAA Justice Center. (2016). "Senate Bill 91: Summary of Policy Reforms." Alaska Justice Forum 33(1): 2 (Spring 2016). issue of Alaska Justice Forum 33(1), Spring 2016 at article highlights provisions of Senate Bill 91, "Omnibus Criminal Law & Procedure; Corrections Act," related to the recommendations of the Alaska Criminal Justice Commission. SB91 was signed into law on July 11, 2016.Recommendation: Implement Evidence-based Pretrial Practices / Recommendation: Focus Prison Beds on Serious and Violent Offenders / Recommendation: Strengthen Probation and Parole Supervision / Recommendation: Improve Reentry Programming / Recommendation: Ensure Oversight and Accountability / Recommendation: Reinvest in Practices Proven to Reduce Recidivism and Protect Public Safetyen-USAlaska LegislatureAlaska Criminal Justice Commission (2015–2017)correctionscourtscriminal justice reformjustice reinvestmentoffender reentryparoleprobationlegislationrecidivismsentencingsmart justiceSenate Bill 91: Summary of Policy ReformsArticle