Stern, BarryCobb, ChrisRobinson, Elliott H.Ring, Peter Smith2020-01-222020-01-221978-07Alaska Justice Forum 2(6), July 1978 the July 1978 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum, the staff counsel of the Alaska Criminal Code Revision Subcommission describes the major provisions of the Revised Alaska Criminal Code as approved by the Alaska Legislature in June 1978, and highlights changes from the draft revised code proposed by the subcommission. The Anchorage Pretrial Intervention Project, which became operational in early 1978, is described. An offender reentry program of the Alaska Division of Corrections to help ex-offenders adjust to life after prison is described. The concluding installment of a six-part series on the law of confessions discusses the use of evidence obtained from defendants which is inadmissible under Miranda guidelines or for other reasons related to violation of defendants' Fifth or Sixth Amendment rights. Additional articles discuss a national survey indicating the need for sex offender treatment programs and a report on more efficient police patrol procedures. Also included are digests of recent Alaska Supreme Court opinions and points brought up in criminal appeals cases, announcements of upcoming courses and seminars, and a justice training calendar."New Criminal Code Passes" by Barry Stern / "Pretrial Intervention Project Begins in Anchorage" by Chris Cobb / "Treatment Needed for Sex Offenders" / "Instructor Course" / "Officer Survival Course" / "Center for a New Start" by Elliott H. Robinson / "Does Diversion Widen the Nets?" / "Law on Confessions" (part 6) by Peter S. Ring / "Opinions of Note" / "Points on Appeal" / "Forensic Pathology Symposium" / "Justice Training Calendar" / "More Efficient Police Patrol Procedures"en-USAlaska Department of LawAlaska Division of CorrectionsAlaska State LegislatureAlaska StatutesAlaska Supreme Courtappellate courtsconfessionscorrectionscourtscriminal appealscriminal code revisioncriminal justicecriminal justice reformcriminal lawdiversion programsinterrogationjustice educationjuvenile justicelawlaw enforcementlegislationoffender reentrypolicepretrial diversionprosecutionsentencingtrainingAlaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 2, No. 6 (July 1978)Journal