Wood, Darryl S.Rosay, André B.Periman, DeborahPostle, GregTePas, KatherineHenry, Tara2014-04-232014-04-232008-03-01http://hdl.handle.net/11122/3208The Spring/Summer 2008 double-issue of the Alaska Justice Forum focuses on various aspects of the problem of sexual assault—the nature of the crime, victims and suspects; case prosecution; offender recidivism; public safety and rehabilitation, with articles on case processing of sexual assault cases in rural villages, a description of the sexual assault problem in communities served by the Alaska State Troopers, Sexual assault nurse examinations in Alaska, and Alaska's sex offender registration statute. An additional article looks at national figures on incarcerated parents."Sexual Crime" / "Case Attrition of Sexual Violence Offenses: Empirical Findings" by Darryl S. Wood and André B. Rosay / "Revisiting Alaska's Sex Offender Registration and Public Notification Statute" by Deborah Periman / "Sexual Assaults Reported to Alaska State Troopers" by André B. Rosay, Greg Postle, Darryl S. Wood, and Katherine TePas / "Sexual Assault Nurse Examinations in Alaska" by André B. Rosay and Tara Henry / "Anonymous Reporting and Forensic Examinations" / "Further Reading on Sexual Assault" / "The Number of Parents in Prison Grows" / ECCA Symposium / Justice Center Departureen-USAlaska State Trooperscorrectional inmateschildren & youthcorrectional inmatescorrectionscrimeforensicsincarcerated parentsprosecutionrural justicesexual assaultsexual assault nurse examinationssex offender registriessex offensessexual violenceviolence against womenAlaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 25, No. 1-2 (Spring / Summer 2008)Journal