Marz, Stacey2016-05-272016-05-272014-09-22Marz, Stacey. (2014). "Early Resolution for Family Law Cases in Alaska’s Courts." Alaska Justice Forum 31(1–2): 13–17 (Spring/Summer 2014). The PDF of this article includes a web supplement which did not appear in the original print version of the article.The Early Resolution Program (ERP), the first program of its kind in the nation, was developed by the Alaska Court System's Family Law Self-Help Center to provide self-represented litigants in family law cases with free legal assistance and mediation to help resolve issues and reach settlements without protracted court trials. This article discusses the ERP's goals and development, describes how cases are screened and processed, and presents ERP statistics though August 2014.[Introduction] / Goals of ERP / Beginning of ERP / Screening Considerations / How ERP Works / Modifications to Custody and Child Support Orders / Program Benefits / Conclusion / [SIDEBAR:] Early Resolution Program Timeline / [WEB SUPPLEMENT:] Issues in an ERP Caseen-USAlaska Court Systemcivil lawcourtsfamily lawlegal assistanceEarly Resolution for Family Law Cases in Alaska's CourtsArticle