Chamard, SharonMoras, AntoniaBureau of Justice Statistics2014-04-252014-04-252006-09-01Alaska Justice Forum 23(3), Fall 2006 Fall 2006 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum features articles on the history and use of crime mapping by American police departments, an overview of Alaska and national figures on immigration, and findings from the Bureau of Justice Statistics on mental health and treatment in federal and state prisons and jails."The History of Crime Mapping and Its Use by American Police Departments" by Sharon Chamard / "A Look at Immigration Numbers" by Antonia Moras / "Inmate Mental Health and Treatment: A BJS Report" by the Bureau of Justice Statistics / "DV Protective Order Video" / "Rural Justice Bibliographyen-USalcohol & alcohol abuseAnchorage, Alaskacorrectional inmatescorrectionscrime mappingimmigrationjailslaw enforcementmental healthnoncitizenspoliceAlaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 23, No. 3 (Fall 2006)Journal