Gonzalez, AndrewJohnson, IngridPayne, Troy C.2024-02-222024-02-222021-10-25http://hdl.handle.net/11122/14856The Alaska Justice Information Center (AJiC) at the University of Alaska Anchorage has released this Fact Sheet in conjunction with a new report, “Adverse Childhood Experiences, Intimate Partner Violence, and Sexual Violence Among Persons Who May Be Alaska Mental Health Trust Beneficiaries: Findings from the Alaska Victimization Survey.” This report used data from the 2020 Alaska Victimization Survey (AVS) to estimate the extent to which victims of intimate partner violence and sexual assault were Alaska Mental Health Trust beneficiaries. It also estimated the extent to which Alaska Mental Health Trust beneficiaries experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Alaska Mental Health Trust beneficiaries include Alaskans with mental illness, developmental disabilities, chronic alcohol or drug addiction, Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia, and traumatic brain injuries.Alaska Victimization Survey (AVS)domestic violenceintimate partner violence (IPV)sexual assaultviolence against womenvictims of crimeAlaska Justice Information Center (AJiC)Persons Who May Be Alaska Mental Health Trust Beneficiaries were more likely to experience Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence