Rosay, André B.Langworthy, Robert H.2014-05-272014-05-272003-10Rosay, André B.; & Langworthy, Robert H. (2003). Descriptive Analysis of Sexual Assaults in Anchorage, Alaska. Report prepared under Grant No. 2000-RH-CX-K039 from the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Anchorage, AK: Alaska Justice Statistical Analysis Center, Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage. (JC 0107.023).JC 0107.023 has long been known that forcible rapes and sexual assaults occur at a higher rate in Anchorage and in Alaska than in the U.S. as a whole. The Justice Center, in collaboration with the Anchorage Police Department, conducted an epidemiological study aimed at providing a better understanding of the parameters of the rape and sexual assault problem in Anchorage. Researchers looked at case data drawn from the 541 sexual assaults reported to the Anchorage Police Department in 2000 and 2001. These data provide the first solid information on victim and suspect characteristics, time and location of assaults, and other details about sexual assaults and rapes reported to the police. In some cases the data contradict some of the more common assumptions regarding Anchorage’s rape problem.Descriptive Analysis of Sexual Assaults in Anchorage, Alaska / Gravity of the Problem: How Does Anchorage Compare? / I. The Current Study / II. Victims / III. Suspects / IV. Victims and Suspects / V. Assaults / VI. Conclusion / Appendix A—Data Collection Instrument for 2001 Data / Appendix B—Data Collection Instrument for 2000 Dataen-USDescriptive Analysis of Sexual Assaults in Anchorage, AlaskaFinal report to the Bureau of Justice StatisticsReport