Chamard, SharonCarns, Teresa W.Green, Melissa S.2014-04-232014-04-232009-01-01Alaska Justice Forum 25(4), Winter 2009 Winter 2009 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum features articles on capital punishment in the U.S. and internationally, as well as a brief history of the death penalty in Alaska; violent deaths in Alaska and nationwide; an exploration of the relationship fear of crime and collective efficacy, social ties, and community disorder in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough; and findings of the Alaska Judicial Council's 2008 report on judicial selection and retention from 1984 to 2007."Capital Punishment 2007 and 2008" / "Violent Deaths in Alaska and Nationwide" / "Collective Efficacy and Fear of Crime in the Mat-Su Borough" by Sharon Chamard / "Selecting and Evaluating Alaska's Judges: 1984–2007" by Teresa White Carns / "An International Perspective on the Death Penalty" / "The Death Penalty in Alaska" by Melissa S. Greenen-USAlaska Violent Death Reporting System (AK VDRS)Alaska Court SystemAlaska Judicial Councilcapital punishmentcollective efficacycommunity disordercommunity indicatorscommunity surveycourtsfear of crimehomicidejudgesjudicial selectionMatanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaskasuicideviolent deathAlaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 25, No. 4 (Winter 2009)Journal