Barry, DouglasEdscorn, Paul L.UAA Criminal Justice Center2020-01-222020-01-221978-10Alaska Justice Forum 2(9), October 1978 October 1978 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum features articles exploring the implications of the Alaska Supreme Court's order, issued September 18,1978, to permit television cameras into Alaska courtrooms, making Alaska the fourteenth state to permit some form of TV coverage in courts; and describing efforts nationally and in Alaska to establish victim-witness assistance programs. Also included are digests of recent Alaska Supreme Court opinions and points brought up in criminal appeals cases, announcement of an upcoming conference on justice innovation, and a justice training calendar."Cameras in the Courtroom" by Doug Barry / "Victim-Witness Assistance Program" by Paul L. Edscorn / "Opinions of Note" / "Attention Readers" / "Readership Survey" / "Points on Appeal" / "Justice Training Calendar" / "Police Seminars"en-USAlaska Supreme Courtappellate courtscourtscriminal appealscriminal justicejustice educationmediatrainingvictims of crimeAlaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 2, No. 9 (October 1978)Journal