University of Alaska Anchorage Academic Innovations and eLearning2015-09-292015-09-292015-06-03 Development Plan (CDP) / Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, and Problems of UAA’s Academic Programs, Institutional Management, and Fiscal Stability / Key Overall Goals / Measurable Objectives for UAA / Institutionalizing Practices and Improvements / Activity Objectives / Activity Objectives in Measurable and Realistic Terms / Relationship of Activity Objectives to Goals/Problems to be Solved in CDP / Implementation Strategy / Comprehensive Implementation Strategy / Strategy Rationale / Implementation Timetable / Key Personnel Plan / Experience and Training of Personnel / Time Commitment of Key Personnel / Project Management Plan / Procedures to Ensure Efficient and Effective Program Implementation / Authority to Effectively Conduct Project / Evaluation Plan / Data Elements and Collection Procedures / Analysis Procedures / Budget Narrative / Necessary and Reasonable Costs / Competitive Preference Priority (CPP)en-USEducationOnline LearningGrant ProposalUniversity of Alaska AnchorageStabilizing College Funding Through Development of a Centralized Robust Online Learning EnvironmentReport