Armstrong, BarbaraChamard, SharonCarns, Teresa W.2013-11-252013-11-122013-11-252010-06-01Alaska Justice Forum 27(2), Summer 20100893-8903 Summer 2010 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum features articles on civil legal assistance in Alaska and the U.S., a history and guide to Alaska pro bono programs, a comparison of gun ownership in Anchorage and the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, and two pilot programs initiated by the Criminal Justice Working Group."Unmet Legal Needs in the U.S. And Alaska" by Barbara Armstrong / "Correlates of Gun Ownership in Anchorage and the Mat-Su Borough" by Sharon Chamard / "Two Pilot Projects in the Alaska Court System" by Teresa White Carns / "New Faculty" / "Rosay Awarded Contract" / "Pro Bono Programs in Alaska" / "Unmet Legal Needs in the U.S. And Alaska: Web Supplement"en-USAlaska Court SystemAlaska Criminal Justice Working Group (CJWG)Alaska Legal Services CorporationAnchorage, Alaskacivil legal assistancecommunity surveycourtsfirearmsindigent legal serviceslawyersMatanuska-Susitna Borough, AlaskaprobationAlaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 27, No. 2 (Summer 2010)Journal