Alaska Justice Forum ; Vol. 2, No. 10 (November 1978)
Bruce, Kevin ; Lederman, Sema ; UAA Criminal Justice Center
Bruce, Kevin
Lederman, Sema
UAA Criminal Justice Center
The November 1978 issue of the Alaska Justice Forum leads with a description of Project PROSECUTOR (PROSecutor's Enhanced Charging Using Tested Options and Research), a project of the Alaska Department of Law and the UAA Criminal Justice Center to improve prosecutor screening and legal advising to police and to establish a pretrial intervention program. Standing Together Against Rape (STAR), a 24-hour crisis intervention and advocacy service for victims of sexual assault, opened in Anchorage in May 1978. The state of Washington has adopted a sweeping new juvenile justice code, which went into effect July 1, 1978, replacing the original code adopted in 1913. Also included are digests of recent Alaska Supreme Court opinions and points brought up in criminal appeals cases, the winter 1978–1979 schedule of classes offered by the Justice B.A. program at UAA, announcement of an upcoming police education symposium, and a justice training calendar.
Journal Title
Journal ISSN
Volume Title
Criminal Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Alaska Department of Law, Alaska Supreme Court, Anchorage, Alaska, appellate courts, courts, crime, criminal appeals, criminal justice, criminal law, curriculum, diversion programs, justice education, juvenile justice, pretrial diversion, prosecution, sentencing, sexual assault, training, violence against women, Washington (state)
Alaska Justice Forum 2(10), November 1978