Sex Offender Treatment Program: Initial Recidivism Study
Mander, Anthony M. ; Atrops, Martin E. ; Barnes, Allan R. ; Munafo, Roseanne
Mander, Anthony M.
Atrops, Martin E.
Barnes, Allan R.
Munafo, Roseanne
This report presents results of a recidivism study of participants in the Sex Offender Treatment Program at Hiland Mountain Correctional Center, Alaska Department of Corrections, from January 1987 to August 1995. The report provides an overview and history of sex offender treatment in Alaska as well as a literature review of other studies and findings on this area of treatment. The Alaska study, which was the first conducted of the treatment program, found that any level of treatment achieved resulted in less recidivism, with the longer the period of treatment, the lower the recidivism. The study also noted the high percentage of Alaska Natives in the program and the history of alcohol and substance abuse presented by many sex offenders. The majority of offenders in the program were guilty of assaulting children. The study discusses the program's cost benefits as well as the implications of its findings for probation and parole.
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Offender Programs, Alaska Department of Corrections; Alaska Justice Statistical Analysis Unit, Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Alaska Department of Corrections, corrections, correctional inmates, recidivism, sex offender treatment program (SOTP), sex offenders
Mander, Anthony M.; Atrops, Martin E.; Barnes, Allan R.; & Munafo, Roseanne. (1996). Sex Offender Treatment Program: Initial Recidivism Study. Anchorage, AK: Offender Programs, Alaska Department of Corrections; Alaska Justice Statistical Analysis Unit, Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage.